Advisory & Professional Services

Transform Plan

Transform Plan


Transform your data security program into a data risk management program with Infolock’s Transform Plan. This integrated service begins with a detailed Data Risk Management (DRM) assessment to evaluate the organization’s data risks and management capabilities. The outcome is an Annual Program Roadmap, presenting a prioritized implementation schedule for data governance objectives.

Infolock then guides customers through that roadmap via a sustainable, cost-effective, and multi-phased DRM Program Plan. Continual support and expertise are offered post-launch to ensure ongoing accountability and the consistent maturation of the organization’s DRM program. As DRM program development is underway, data security maturation happens simultaneously. A designated Solutions Architect is tasked with aligning your organizations data protection strategies with business outcomes, ensuring optimal product integration and utilization. This approach includes advocating for and implementing consolidation efforts where beneficial.


annual subscription

Services Features


DRM Assessment

Annual Program Roadmap


Optimize Product Integration

DRM Program Build

Designated Resources

Solutions Architect

Customer Success Manager

Advisory Consultant


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Transform Plan Datasheet​

Ready To Get Started ?

Connect with an Infolock consultant today to learn more about the Transform Plan.

Outcomes Delivered

What Can I Expect?

With the Transform Plan, customers are able to extract value from the data security and data risk management investments. Some of those tangible outcomes include:

Documented data governance recommendations and program maturation roadmap

Understand the scope and complexity of your organization’s data footprint and establish a foundation for effective data management

The ability to remove stale, duplicative, and irrelevant data and free up costly storage resources

Meet internal usage and handling requirements

Comprehensive visibility into and measurable reporting of data risk management maturity

Provide meaningful risk reduction to the organization

Long-term data security resilience

Proper technology use according to best practices

Refined data security orchestration

Subject matter expertise fulfillment

Synergistic relationship with vendor support

Understand the scope and complexity of your organization’s data footprint and establish a foundation for effective data management

Meet internal usage and handling requirements

Provide meaningful risk reduction to the organization

Proper technology use according to best practices

Subject matter expertise fulfillment

Need to Learn More?

Download the Advise Plan datasheet to better understand the common customer challenges our Advise Plan addresses, the plan’s primary service benefits, and more. You can also jump on a zero-commitment discovery call with an Infolock consultant to learn more about the plan, customer use cases, and pricing.


Please Fill Out The Form To Gain Access To The Transform Plan Datasheet​

Transform Plan Datasheet​