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Discover the Optimal DLP Management Strategy for Your Organization: In-House or Managed?

In today’s data-driven landscape, the right Data Loss Prevention (DLP) management strategy is pivotal. Whether your organization is reassessing its DLP approach or on the cusp of an initial deployment, this datasheet provides a balanced examination of each option’s advantages, challenges, and key considerations, including implementation speed, expertise, customization, costs, control, and scalability.

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Key Benefits of Downloading this

Strategic Insights

Assess the strengths and capabilities of each vendor’s infrastructure capabilities.

Veteran Guidance

As a managed DLP service provider for nearly 20 years, we’ve seen it all. In this document we’ve outlined how organizations ideally want to manage their DLP environment and compared that side-by-side to how it often times plays out in reality.

Informed Decision Making

Equip your organization with the knowledge to select a DLP management strategy that aligns with your operational needs and security objectives.

Still unsure what's the best option for you?

Schedule a zero-commitment agnostic review of your data protection needs and we’ll send you a customized overview of your DLP options & recommendations or you can check out our Manage Plan to see how our expert Managed Services team delivers a seamless managed DLP program.